*NEW EPISODE every thursday*

Let’s hang out every week! Join our positive community where we read books, talk corn and farming, kids, life and personal growth. 

Enjoy reflections from Addie and interviews with very special guests. Addie will give you positive and practical insights on becoming more confident, finding clarity, becoming more mindful with your time and decisions - all with a side of friendship. Every episode is a friendly conversation that leaves you feeling motivated and uplifted.

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#191: Live Life and Be Happy

For the most part, I genuinely believe that we are all just trying to live life and be happy. No matter what is going on in the world, we are all just trying to do the best we can. With that in mind, I dug deep into what this means. It helped me to investigate it further and remember the things that I need to keep implementing in my life. I hope it helps you as well.

So tell me, what are you doing to be happy right now?

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#190: Easy Boundaries To Help Your Vibe

I know that things have been really loud lately and are likely to get louder over the next few months. So in this episode, I am sharing some of the things I do to help keep my own personal vibe and mindset healthy and positive. I hope it helps you like they help me.

So tell me, what are you excited about right now?

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#189: Apples Dipped in Gold with Scarlett St Clair

Scarlett St Clair is a long time friend of the show and when she writes a book, she comes on the show. It’s just what we do. I feel like our friendship has grown in front of you and having her back feels like we all get to hang out. Her new book, Apples Dipped in Gold is a fairy tale retelling that is set in a rich world with characters that we love to hate and love to love. She is a delight and I am always glad to have her here.

So tell me, What are you doing for fun?



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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#188: Why Your Vote Matters with Pat and Heidi

In Missouri and across the country, there are some big things happening in politics. It’s overwhelming. It’s loud. It’s honestly almost too much. I leaned into two trusted resources (and friends) to help me sort out what matters and how to clear up some of the clutter when I am thinking about how and who to vote for. I hope this conversation helps you in whatever you are thinking about right now.

So tell me, What are you learning?



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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#187: Growing Corn Farmers

We are a family that loves corn of all types. From popcorn to field corn to sweet corn, we love sharing our love of corn with the world. In this episode, our very own Hazel shares her love of corn and her SAE project through FFA with us. I hope you enjoy learning from her and learning about our corn.

So tell me, What are you reading now?


Hazel’s Reading: Elsie Silver’s Chestnut Springs Series

Watching: Disney Movies

Listening to: Zach Bryan

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#186: The Next Best Fling with Gabriella Gamez

My friends sent me an email saying that I MUST read The Next Best Fling. And I devoured it. Gabby is a new author and is so excited about books and reading and writing. We had the best conversation about all things books and book community. I hope you enjoy her and the book as much as I did.

So tell me, What are you reading now?


Gabriella’s Reading:

Watching: Grey’s Anatomy

Listening to: Maisie Peters

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Order The Next Best Fling

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#185: Stop to See a Friend

When I travel, I usually have a pretty solid plan. It’s my enneagram one, right? I love investing time in people and building those friendships to a higher level. So when I recently road tripped to Wisconsin, I made a point to see a couple of friends. In this episode, I share how and why I do this and some thoughts in case you decide that intentional visits are for you.

So tell me, who did you last stop to visit?

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#184: DNF (Did Not Finish)

DNF is a term we use in regards to books when we don’t finish books. There are a ton of opinions on giving up on finishing a book so I thought we should talk about it. But when I started making notes, I realized that the things I use to decide to DNF could also be used in letting go of things in life. In this episode, I share my 5 checkpoints for DNFing books…and some other stuff.

So tell me, what helps you decide to DNF?

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#183: What’s In My Car?

I think that what a person carries with them says a lot to who they are and how they operate in the world. I am not, however, certain about what this list of items says about me. When thinking about the things we carry with us, I made a list of things that I keep in my car.

So tell me, what is in your car?

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#181: 5 Things That I Needed To Remember

Life is busy and when that’s the case our good habits and intentions sometimes fall by the wayside. I have had several reminders lately of things that I should remember and implement. I hope that they help you, too.

So tell me, what are you working on this week?

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#180: Fish Farming and Aquaculture with Margaret Cleveland

Aquaculture and fish farming are a unique part of agriculture. I have enjoyed learning from my friend Margaret and discovering the diversity of aquaculture as an industry. I have been so excited to share her and her love of this industry with you.

So tell me, What are you learning now?


Margaret’s Reading:

Connect with Margaret


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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#179: My Experiences with Hearing Loss and Ear Surgery

I have hinted at my hearing loss and mentioned my surgery in Monday emails and a little on social media. In this episode, I am sharing what I experienced both with hearing loss and with my surgery.

So tell me, what are you working on this week?

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#178: What’s Saving My Life Right Now

I haven’t done an episode like this in AGES and I am so excited to focus on the positives and share 10 things that might save your life, too.

So tell me, what is saving your life right now?


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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#177: Women and Mentors with Kendra Ricks

I am so blessed to have some fantastic mentors in my life. Finding them has been elevated by knowing Kendra Ricks. She is a leader with a heart for mentorship and has created a program for women and mentors AND has found joy in connecting people with others who can help. She is the ultimate at rising the tide to raise all boats. I hope you enjoy her as much as I did.

So tell me, Who are your mentors?


Kendra’s Reading:

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#176: 3 Tricks to Make Change Easier

It has been a little wild around here lately and I have been fighting with change. So I did some research and put together 3 tricks to help us all navigate small changes in a positive way.

So tell me, where are you fighting with changes?

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#175: How to End a Love Story with Yulin Kuang

Yulin Kuang is a delight and I had so much fun talking to her. Her book, How to End a Love Story, is beautifully written romance with depth that is what we crave. I love the world and our conversations about screen writing. I loved getting to know her and could have talked to her all day long. I hope you love this as much as I did.

So tell me, What are you reading right now?


Yulin on Instagram

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#174: Open Door Romance with Kassie King and Stephanie Skees

It is no secret that I LOVE the Novel Neighbor. I love the community and the people and the events. I am thrilled to get to introduce you to Kassie King and Stephanie Skees as they work on the newest piece of the Novel Neighborhood, Open Door Romance in the Next Door Space. This romance bookstore is going to level up the community for readers in the St Louis area. Kassie and Skees share all the behind the scenes in opening Open Door, how we can help and then spill the tea on the books they can’t stop talking about.

So tell me, What is your favorite bookstore?



Friends of the Show:

Episode #105: Selling Books, Non Profits, and Pivoting as a Bookseller with Holland Saltsman

Episode #116: All of the Bookish Recommendations with Stephanie Skees

Episode #117: A Conversation on Reading Romance with Maddie M

Episode #115: Pride and Protest with Author Nikki Payne

Skees’s Reading, Watching, Listening:

Kassie’s Reading, Watching, Listening:


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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#173: The Other Side of Disappearing with Kate Clayborn

Kate Clayborn is a long time must read author for me. Her new book, The Other Side of Disappearing, is a romance that hooks from the first page. But it’s also a romance that has depth. Kate has a very specific way of writing and of bringing characters to life that is just so special to her. I am honored to have her as a guest and to learn about her and her writing and bring her books to you.

So tell me, What are you reading right now?


Reading, Watching, Listening:

Kate on Instagram

Kate’s website

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Addie Yoder Addie Yoder

#172: 8 Things to Celebrate

It’s my birthday week. So in the vein of birthdays and fun, I have curated a list of 8 things that I am celebrating right now. They aren’t all physical things, but things that are bringing me excitement and joy in this minute.

So tell me, what are you celebrating on right now?

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